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At Tarun Gahlot Law Offices, our practice areas reflect our unwavering commitment to justice, our versatile legal expertise, and our dedication to serving our clients with the utmost integrity and professionalism. We are more than just lawyers; we are advocates for a just and equitable society. We strive to deliver a formidable legal practice founded on integrity, diligence and versatility nurtured through extensive High Court and District Courts litigation exposure.


Strategic guidance shaped by compassion and prowess protects client interests in navigating the volatility of criminal trials, prudence of corporate disputes, sensitivity of personal and inheritance conflicts arbitration insights across commercial issues. All under one dynamic purview.  Further, robust technical expertise gives dexterity to dexterously balance legal rights with pragmatism, be it seamless property transactions or steadfast cybercrime defence, amicable resolutions for high stakes family disputes or steadfast shareholder advocacy - integrity remains central to counsel. Pro bono assistance echoes an unwavering commitment to uplift society as tireless teams walk the walk.


With strategic thinking driving dynamic law practice spanning personal to enterprise needs, Tarun Gahlot Law Offices remains a one stop legal ally. One that is equally at home in the finesse of litigation boardrooms, as in the commitment to raising voices that speak truth to power. With courage stemming from compassion.

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Criminal Defence

Specializing in criminal writs, cybercrimes, economic offenses and defamation, criminal defence is driven by a commitment to protect client interests and freedom. Our litigation expertise across District Courts and High Courts allows comprehensive representation in trials, writs, bail applications and appeals. Meticulous research, robust defence strategies backed by technical know-how and compassionate client relationships enable effective handling of sensitive cases. Be it petty crimes or sophisticated cyber fraud and money laundering, we leverage industry knowledge and legal nuances for thorough case investigations, charge reductions or full exonerations.

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Family Law & Dispute Resolution

The practice guides clients on legal rights and responsibilities pertaining to marriage, divorce, domestic issues, child custody and related proceedings. We leverage litigation, mediation, and counselling skills to balance pragmatic solutions with compassionate support for sensitive family conflicts. With niche expertise in Hindu law, we handle property disputes, contested divorces, maintenance claims and inheritance matters across communities. Out-of-court settlements are facilitated whenever aligned to client interests. Where needed, our nuanced approach litigates cases vigorously across courts and alternative dispute resolution forums to preserve rights. Client welfare and family harmony remain central across the resolution process.

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Commercial Litigation & Compliance

Tarun Gahlot Law Offices guides corporations in legal risk management through compliance audits, dispute avoidance frameworks and defending contentious matters in courts & tribunals. Our commercial litigation practice aids with property conflicts, contractual issues, and shareholder / partnership disputes from negotiations to litigation. Robust technical expertise allows dexterous handling of IPR enforcement, insurance claims, regulatory probes, competition law issues and taxation disputes before judicial forums. Representation in white collar cases spans money laundering, investment frauds, tax evasion and insider trading allegations. Our focus remains to balance legal rights with commercial viability for corporations.

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Consumer Rights

As staunch consumer advocates, Tarun Gahlot Law Offices aims to champion buyer rights and channel disputes towards prudent resolutions. We offer actionable assess to redress and damages across goods & services spanning banking, insurance, real estate, e-commerce, and more. In-depth case reviews help determine optimal dispute tackling strategies - be it out of court mediation or litigation claiming damages for losses incurred. With diligent preparation and arguments rooted in consumer protection regulations, we have successfully mediated refunds, replacements, and compensation for clients while promoting fair trade practices.

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Legal Aid & Social Justice

The firm believes access to legal guidance is a basic right - hence pro bono assistance and legal awareness camps for marginalized groups and women feature prominently in practice efforts. By allocating resources to champion socially relevant causes, we aim to further the vision of justice regardless of socio-economic status. Collaborative endeavours with law students, NGOs and community leaders help amplify historically suppressed voices and remedy systemic inequities. Free legal counsel and aid assistance also serve underprivileged families and individuals lacking financial resources in areas such as employment terms violations, police harassment, property disputes etc.

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Dispute Resolution & Arbitration

Litigation is often lengthy, emotionally draining and leaves limited room for negotiated interests. We leverage seasoned background in mediation, conciliation, and arbitration processes across corporate and contractual disputes nationally and overseas to facilitate optimal extra-judicial settlements respecting business relationships. As counsels, our dispute resolution approach backed by technical know-how aims to negotiate win-win situations for avoidance of future conflicts without recourse to traditional litigation avenues. Comprehensive corporate case experience covers disputes pertaining to joint ventures, shareholders, franchising, and various commercial agreements.

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Property, Wills & Estate Planning

The firm offers personalized assistance in property transactions, inheritance matters and drafting legally compliant wills tailored to asset profiles and family dynamics of individual clients. Pragmatic solutions backed by financial prudence help actualize succession goals ranging from intergenerational wealth transfers to estate planning for NRIs and senior citizens. Advisory support also encompasses family trust creation, executor nominations, probate facilitation and inheritance conflict mediation to ease family discord. Prudent counsel empowers clients undertake estate planning decisions spanning asset distribution, inheritance taxes and levies.

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Corporate & Non-Profit Advisory

Incorporation formalities, shareholder agreements, mergers, takeovers, foreign investment laws, societal outreach policies and baseline due diligence represent some areas under the purview of advisory services customized to meet growth needs of both enterprises and non-profit entities. Compliance guidance around labour codes, environment regulations, audits, licences etc coupled with collaboration on events and initiatives nurturing community welfare enable comprehensive support. Counsel remains grounded in integrity, transparency, and pragmatism.

© 2023 by Tarun Gahlot Law Offices

Advocates and Legal Consultants

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